
Welcome to the User’s Manual for Erol Singer’s Studio. Use the menu buttons above to browse through this manual.

We also recommend watching the tutorial below (shown on an iPad) for the basic features of the app.

49 thoughts on “Home”

  1. It would be great to know how many points I got in my last exersise and to be able to compare them to the best in order to know if I’m improving and how I am doing the exersise each time against my best time.

    1. Best score for each exercise is displayed in lesson lists. I guess I must have added it after your request but forgot to let you know. In the latest version of the app, best scores (there are now 4 of them for each exercise; 1 per difficulty level) are displayed in the lesson page as well.

      P.S. Long-press on a training program’s icon to access the detailed lesson list.

    1. The app uses pitch and timing to calculate the scores. An accuracy of 50% roughly corresponds to the line between two semitones. So if a student scores 50%, that means it is somewhat ambiguous what note they’re singing. But if they score over 60%, there’s no ambiguity anymore about what note they’re singing. Please note that timing, and the slides from note to note can have an effect on your scores too. Users need to hold each note for a certain portion of the note to score any points.

      1. You didn’t answer the question. There’s a score number at the end of each session. It’s meaningless unless you can see your score history.

        1. The final score is calculated like this: For each key that the exercise repeats in, you get a maximum of 100 points (a portion of 100 based on your overall pitch accuracy for the notes within the key). Then these are added up. So, if a lesson repeats in 16 keys, you can get a maximum score of 1600. If you hit each note with 50% accuracy, you’d get a score of 800.

          Best scores from prior sessions are listed both in the detailed lesson lists (accessible via a long-press on the training program icons in the latest version) and, starting with v3.0, also within the lesson pages.

  2. It would be great to adjust the volume of my own voice in the headphones. I can volume up everything, but then the piano is louder too. Too loud.

    1. Please update to v2.x, available as a free update from the App Store, to enable microphone monitoring. Starting with v2.0, you can use the little speaker icon within the lessons to bring up a volume control panel where you can adjust the volume levels for microphone monitoring, piano, etc.

  3. I would like a history of scores and also more audio examples; specifically ones of singing improperly.

  4. This app is awe#$€*%¥some… No doubt about that!!! It’s helped me take my voice from being all over the place like a jackson pollock to having some resemblance of notes and control. I find myself doing exercises though and wondering “what did I actually sound like then?” So, my request is this, would it be possible for you to add a record exercise option? Great if you can but still the best app if you can’t, thanks for the good work fine people

  5. it would be helpful to have some explanation of just what is being measured to obtain the scores. If that is in the user manual already, I couldn’t find it.

    1. The app uses your pitch and timing to calculate the scores. An accuracy of 50% roughly corresponds to the line between two semitones. So if you score 50%, that means it is somewhat ambiguous what note you’re singing. But if you score over 60%, there’s no ambiguity anymore about what note you’re singing. Please note that timing, and the slides from note to note can have an effect on your scores too. You need to hold the note for a certain portion of each note to score any points.

    1. Simply use automatic range detection, available under the “My Range” tab, and compare your range to the standard ranges displayed there.

    1. Hi Ricky. We’ve added a Goals section in v2.x of the app, which provides guidance on how long and how often to practice, based on your skill level. Please see “Practice Goal” under the Settings tab.

  6. It’s a great app but I wish there was a way to access only the tonal calibrator or indicator (whatever you call it) without the freeking piano! Gah!!

    1. Yes!! That’s what I’m here to inquire about and it looks like you’ve answered my question. I would love to hear the scale then have the chance to sing it without the accompaniment.

      1. You can achieve what you want by creating a custom exercise. Start by tapping the pencil icon at the bottom of a scale exercise you like. This will create a copy of the exercise and enter edit mode. The first time you do this, tap “Learn to Edit” to learn how to edit exercises. Once you familiarize yourself with editing, replace the accompaniment chords you see at the beginning of the exercise with a copy of the scale. If done correctly, you should have the scale in the lower staff in the first half of the exercise and then the same scale again in the upper staff in the second half of the exercise. With this setup, the app will play the scale itself first, and then give you a chance to sing it in the second half of the exercise without any accompaniment.

  7. I would like to know what is an appropriate score from which to move on to the next set of exercises.

    A score history would be very handy to keep track of progress, rather than merely comparing to ‘records’ each day.

  8. The same of Mariluz: It would be great to know how many points I got in my last exersise and to be able to compare them to the best in order to know if I’m improving and how I am doing the exersise each time against my best time.

    1. Hi Jeff, to slow down the whole exercise, please see the “Sticky Tempo” option in Settings. You can access the Settings page via the cog-shaped button in the top right corner of the Help page within the app.

    1. Hi Sue, sorry for the late reply. Do you still have this issue? Have you tried updating to the latest version from the App Store?

  9. Great app so far to use in between my lessons. It would be awesome if you could gradually speed up the scales without having to set each individual note on the keyboard and complete a set of scales in the set tempo.

  10. Hi! I use your app for a long time to keep my voice in shape. I think your app is awesome, it has helped me a lot to improve my singing and intonating. I intend to keep practising! With your app. For I have tried a few more recent singing apps but they don’t have the standard of your method!
    But! Since a couple of months I keep getting warnings that the app should be updated to the newer iOS version. Worse: that the app won’t be compatible with coming iOS versions!!
    So, could you please update your app? And perhaps add a way to follow your progression in a training, now only your best score is being mentioned.
    I, and surely other users would be really thankful!
    With kind regards,
    Josien van der Woude

    1. We’ve released a new version of the app that takes care of that warning and adds lots of amazing new features. Please update your copy to v2.x for free from the App Store.

  11. I love this app. I use it all the time. I’m a songwriter and I’m a beginner vocalist.

    Can you create a feature that would allow users to create their own exercises? I have specific notes in my songs that I need to practice. If you can create a feature that allows me to put the patterns I want to practice that would be AWESOME!!! Please consider it!


    1. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the app. We definitely plan to add custom exercise option, but don’t have a timeline for it yet.

    2. Custom exercise!! Yes.
      In the meantime, could you add a jazz warmup cycle?
      Something that goes through some blues, dominants, 9ths— arpeggios, patterns, intervals??

  12. Hi
    It is a great app. I think it would be further improved if you can get a log of your practice scores as well as an indication of what scores you should be making before moving to the next level.


  13. I’m enjoying the app so far. I haven’t had a singing lesson since high school I’m now in my 40’s. I miss singing and wanted to improve my tone and pitch. I have a few questions that I’m not too sure about, How many of the excercises am I doin daily? And how many minutes each? Do I do Breathing Essentials, Exploring Head and Chest and the Beginner program all in 1 session? How many times should I be doing each exercise before moving on to next? And lastly how will I know when I’m ready to move up to intermediate or advanced?

    1. Hi Rosey,
      Please see “Skill Level” on the Settings tab within the app. Once you set your skill level, the app makes suggestions on how often and how long to practice under the “Practice Goal” section of the Settings tab, and will track your progress within those parameters. Also, we recommend one training program per day, as each is designed to be self contained. However, you can also mix and match lessons from different programs (and even create your own program using the “My Favorites” section). Just make sure that you include some warmup lessons at the beginning and some cool down lessons at the end of your session (these lessons/exercises are designed to be very gentle on your voice unlike the skill building lessons, which are designed to push your limits a bit each time).

  14. Love the app..
    A couple recommendations on enhancements.

    1. Quantitative scoring of sessions and sessions history in addition to the visual color bar. (Others have mentioned this as well). This would allow users to numerically compare their performance each practice session
    2. With the Quantitative scoring, perhaps establish a general guideline on the score to pass from lesson to lesson. Not saying that it should be locked down but users, especially amateurs should have a benchmark and goal to target when practicing. Besides just duration.

  15. The scoring is great feedback, but it’s too hard to get to. After each exercise, I’d like to immediately see my scores to determine which ones I need to repeat

  16. My daughter (who sings really well) has borrowed my phone and created some very high scores. Is there a way to delete them without deleting everything?

    1. I’m afraid not. Deleting history is an all-or-nothing operation in the iPhone/iPad edition of the app. There’s no way to delete individual scores.

    1. Yes, you can create your own lessons either from scratch or by tweaking an existing exercise.

      I’d recommend starting with an existing exercise until you get comfortable with the editor:

      1. Tap the pencil icon at the bottom of any exercise
      2. Tap “Learn to Edit” to learn more

      Whenever you edit an exercise, a new copy of it is created, so you don’t need to worry about ruining the original.

      To create an exercise from scratch, follow these steps:

      1. Tap “+” next to “My Content” on the main page to create a new training program
      2. Enter some text for the name and tap “Create”
      3. Tap the newly created training program to open it
      4. Tap the “+” button in the top-right corner to create a new exercise
      5. Tap “Learn to Edit” to learn how to edit if you haven’t already done so.

      Happy editing!

    1. You can delete your history by simply deleting the app from your device and reinstalling it from the App Store. Please note that this will also delete custom exercises if you’ve created any.

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